Why Are More Backyard Chicken Keepers Choosing Pullets Over Day-Old Chicks?
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There are some great pros to ordering started chicken pullets! They are an easy way to add to your backyard chicken flock. There are many benefits to ordering started chicken pullets vs. baby chicks. We offer rare breed pullets for sale, including some of the 10 best chicken breeds picked by My Pet Chicken staff. These teenagers will surely add fun and entertainment to your backyard chicken flock!

What is a chicken pullet?
Pullets are female chickens that are under one year of age. The pullets for sale that My Pet Chicken ships range in age from 6-9 weeks old. They are fully feathered in and not reliant upon a heat source. These Pullets are ready to live outside unless you live in a frigid climate, then, they may need a transition period.
Pullets are great for those that don't want to raise chicks.
As cute as they are, baby chicks are messy and time-consuming to raise! Started chicken pullets are an excellent option for people who don't have the time, equipment, or desire to care for chicks. Our pullets are shipped at 6-9 weeks old, so they are still young enough to form a bond with and socialize. The hardest part of raising baby chicks has just been done for you!

Lower chance of getting a rooster.
A major pro of ordering started chicken pullets is if you don't want a rooster in your flock! These started chicken pullets are for you if you can't or don't want a rooster in your backyard flock. The juvenile chicks are sexed twice, once at hatch and again at six weeks old, which reduces your chance of ending up with an unwanted rooster.
Low minimum orders for started chicken pullets.
The minimum order is just 2 or 3 chicks, depending on the time of year! This is an excellent option for those of you who want to add only a few birds to your backyard flock but can't meet a baby chick minimum order requirement.

Start getting fresh eggs sooner!
You are one step closer to getting fresh eggs from your backyard by purchasing started chicken pullets. On average, chickens start laying eggs at 6 months of age. When purchasing started pullets, there is less waiting time to when you get your first fresh backyard egg.
Related Articles: Started Pullet Care Guide
I need eggs for my restaurant. I like all kinds of animals but sticking to pullets (I think) for now and do not want to take the time and effort of chicks. Got a good sized coop and run and buying a pen on wheels to allow for foraging in addition to the coop
Looking for 10 to 15 pullets to buy and have shipped to Orange County, Ca.
My Pet Chicken:
Please reach out to us by email at flockcare@mypetchicken.com or visit our live chat on our website. We’d be happy to help.
Can the started pullets be mailed to Oregon ?
My Pet Chicken:
Yes, we can ship started pullets to Oregon! They are shipped via USPS Priority Express for their safety. Be sure to arrange for immediate pickup at the post office when they arrive. Please reach out to us directly if you have any additional questions or if you need help with an order.
I wanna buy a black polish chicken
My Pet Chicken:
Black Polish chickens are gorgeous birds with their fluffy crests and shiny black feathers, making them a sought-after choice for many chicken keepers. They’re charming and friendly additions to any flock. Just remember, their crests may need occasional grooming. If you have any questions about caring for your black Polish chicken, feel free to ask! You can see all our polish varieties here: https://www.mypetchicken.com/search?q=polish
Hi, I noticed that the chicks are all sold out. Do they come back for sale more times during the year? Thanks!
I’d like to add 2 to our flock