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1 of 10
  • Abundance
  • Egg Quantity
    Very Good (4/wk)
  • Size
    Large Fowl
  • Nurturing
  • Egg Color
  • Heat Tolerance
    Not Especially Heat Hardy
  • Cold Tolerance
    Hardy in Winter
  • Personality

Baby Chicks: Blue/Black/Splash Laced Red Wyandotte

Regular price $16.99
Regular price Sale price $16.99
Shipping Week Availability Other Breeds Available


This cool and rare variety of Wyandotte is very new in the United States, and all of our staff members (along with countless of you who've written to us so far this year asking after their availability) are drooling over them.

Wyandottes have a heavy body, which makes them a great dual purpose choice, and small rose comb, which makes them perfect for cold climates because they are not prone to frostbite. The hens are hardy, energetic, and faithful layers and are recommended as one of the best breeds for beginners.

Please Note: Due to the genetics of the blue plumage color, the "blue" in the blue lacing will actually be what's known as BBS, which means blue, black and splash. When breeding blue to blue, you end up with a mix of 50% blue, 25% black and 25% splash.

* There is a 10-chick maximum on this breed.

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Shipping Information:

  • Due to Rhode Island state law, the minimum order of day-old chicks shipped to Rhode Island is 12.


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