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1 of 12
  • Abundance
  • Egg Quantity
    Very Good (4/wk)
  • Size
    Large Fowl
  • Nurturing
  • Egg Color
    Brown, Tinted
  • Heat Tolerance
    Not Especially Heat Hardy
  • Cold Tolerance
    Hardy in Winter
  • Personality

Baby Chicks: Salmon Faverolles

Regular price $6.99
Regular price Sale price $6.99
Shipping Week Availability Other Breeds Available


The Faverolles is one of our favorite chicken breeds. They're gorgeous and wonderfully odd-looking, with muffs, a beard, feathered legs and five toes. Salmon is the most commonly available variety of Faverolles, and we offer them here.

Hens are beautiful, colors ranging from a honeyed salmon with white lacing, snowy breasts, and fluffy white faces to a darker, mahogany color with pretty speckled beards. Roosters are huge and magnificent, parading around with a virtual rainbow of colors: iridescent black where the hens are white, burnished with bronze on their backs and wings, while their hackles and saddles the color of pale straw. The chicks are creamy yellow, sometimes with a sooty smudge or two, and they are so cute with their tiny downy legs!

Male Faverolles are particularly calm and dignified, and make great roosters for the home flock since they are not as aggressive as some others. The hens lay medium-sized creamy light brown or tinted eggs in prolific numbers, and they are good winter layers, too. They are shy and sweet-natured, but so docile that they tend to find themselves at the bottom of the pecking order in a mixed flock. Chicks can get picked on, too, so for that reason, Salmon Faverolles are often NOT the most hardy breed as chicks.

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We offer the Marek's Disease vaccine on the checkout page.  

Related articles: Should I get my birds vaccinated? and All about Marek's disease

Shipping Information:

  • Due to Rhode Island state law, the minimum order of day-old chicks shipped to Rhode Island is 12.


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