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  • Abundance
  • Egg Quantity
    Good (3/wk)
  • Size
    Large Fowl
  • Egg Color
    Cream, Brown
  • Heat Tolerance
    Tolerates Heat Well
  • Cold Tolerance
    Hardy in Winter
  • Personality

Baby Chicks: Swedish Flower Hen

Regular price $35.99
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Swedish Flower Hens or Blommehöna are one of our favorite breeds that don't get much attention--and not all are hens! That's just the literal translation of the Swedish breed name. Swedish Flowers are beautiful, cold hardy, friendly, and they lay a cream-colored to pale brown egg. They're gaining popularity with some very dedicated breeders, and we're happy to be able to offer this lovely breed!

Blommehöna are not yet recognized by the APA, but American breeders are currently working toward winning the breed recognition by breeding to a proposed standard, including paying attention to leg color, wing tuck, and ensuring they are all "flowered".

That said, right now, they vary considerably in appearance and base color, with white polka dots and light hackles. Some have blue, or blue and black, as well, but most varieties do have the white-tipped feathering. In general, the Flower Hens are wonderful if you want varied plumage colors in your flock, or want to be able to tell your hens apart to name them for the kids. The "flowers" make them look as if they're covered in petals, or perhaps as if they emerged from a Monet painting.

There's also the elusive unicorn of the Blommehöna: the "Snow Flowers," where beautiful golden straw colored plumage replaces the more common red. With the white splashes, they look sun-dappled... truly stunning. Before you ask: YES, we have some Snow Flowers hatching out, but be aware you are not guaranteed to receive any. How likely are you to get one? Well, we won't lie. It's a little like looking for the Golden Ticket to Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory. But we are seeing them. Charlie found a ticket, right?

Since Blommehöna are so cold-hardy and productive--and feature sharp eyes for foraging--they make a great homesteading choice.

Related Baby Chick Articles:

What to know about Marek's disease vaccine:

We offer the Marek's Disease vaccine on the checkout page.  

Related articles: Should I get my birds vaccinated? and All about Marek's disease

Shipping Information:

  • Due to Rhode Island state law, the minimum order of day-old chicks shipped to Rhode Island is 12.


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