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  • Abundance
    MPC Exclusive, Rare
  • Egg Quantity
    Excellent (5/wk)
  • Size
    Large Fowl
  • Egg Color
  • Heat Tolerance
    Tolerates Heat Well
  • Personality

Pullet: Frizzle Bountiful Blue Egg Layer, Shipping Week of

Regular price $169.99
Regular price $169.99 Sale price $169.99
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You already know and love My Pet Chicken's exclusive Bountiful Blue Egg Layer. We are now offering the FRIZZLE Bountiful Blue Egg Layer! 

The Frizzle Bountiful Blue Egg Layer is a custom hybrid cross, bred exclusively for My Pet Chicken. We've crossed our favorite egg-laying breed with our most beautiful blue egg layers. The result is the Bountiful Blue Egg Layer, prolific layers of large, blue-tinted eggs!  This breed is the same great bird as the Super Blue Egg Layer but with a new name. 

Egg Color and Production: The Frizzle Bountiful Blue's eggs will be a lovely addition to your egg basket! Known for consistent egg production, this breed lays 3-5 eggs per week. Your blue eggs may be anywhere from pale blue hued to a more intense aqua blue.  

Please Note: On average, 15/16 pullets will lay blue eggs when they mature. Because these are first-generation crosses (F1), statistically, 1 out of 16 birds will have a single comb and will not lay blue eggs. 

Appearance and Temperament: They start out as adorable yellow chicks who will grow up to be lovely white with black flecks throughout. Bountiful Blues will have single or pea comb and lay blue-tinted eggs.

The Frizzle Bountiful Blue Egg Layers are friendly and curious, but best of all, they are extremely versatile. You'll find they will do well in both warm and cool climates. 

More about the Frizzle Bountiful Blue Egg Layer: 100% Frizzled! Normally, we estimate that 50% of hatchlings will be frizzled. (Long story, but you can't breed a frizzled bird to a frizzled bird, or you end up with big problems, so we breed frizzled roosters to smooth-feathered hens, which produces a 50% rate of frizzling in offspring.) ... BUT by 6 weeks old, we can determine if that have frizzle and smooth feathers. We have separated these chicks so we can offer you a 100% Frizzled Bountiful Blue Egg Layer! 

Benefits of Purchasing Pullets

  • Started pullets are an excellent option for people who don't have the time, equipment, or desire to care for chicks.
  • These juvenile chicks are sexed twice, once at hatch and again at six weeks old, which reduces your chance of ending up with roosters.
  • The minimum order is just 2 chicks!

Additional Pullet Information

  • These pullets will be vaccinated for Marek's disease and MG (Mycoplasma gallisepticum)
  • Our six-week started pullets are floor-raised and socialized with humans, and their beaks are intact--we never trim.
  • Please keep your 6-week-olds quarantined from your existing flock for four or more weeks, and take care when introducing them.
  • Check out our Started Pullets Care Guide.

Pullet Shipping Information

  • All Started Juveniles are shipped USPS Express Mail. 
  • Due to import regulations, we cannot ship to Iowa, West Virginia, Texas, Hawaii, and Nevada.
  • Pullets will ship on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday of the designated shipping week. You will receive an email with tracking information once they leave the farm.

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