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  • Abundance
  • Egg Quantity
    Very Good (4/wk)
  • Size
  • Egg Color
    Assorted, Blue, Green, Brown, Tinted
  • Heat Tolerance
    Tolerates Heat Well
  • Cold Tolerance
    Hardy in Winter
  • Personality

Pullet: Easter Egger Bantam, Shipping Week of

Regular price $99.99
Regular price Sale price $99.99
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Everyone at My Pet Chicken loves Easter Eggers! Eggs usually come in shades of blue and green... including aqua, olive, sky blue, sage, mint, turquoise and more. Rarer colors are tan, creme or beige. Children in particular love gathering the fancifully colored eggs: it takes on the atmosphere of a springtime egg hunt year round! Colored eggs are always a more brilliant color early every laying season, and slowly fade as the season progresses. People you share eggs with will be astounded that these eggs are from chickens--or else it will look to them as if you took the trouble to dye them all. However, your eggs will be "colored by hen, not by man!"

These Easter Egger Bantams can come in many colors and patterns. They feather out into adult plumage that runs the spectrum of white, black, brown, blue and various combinations. Our Easter Egger Bantams are not rumpless like Araucanas, but will have normal tails and pea combs. Most of these birds will develop slate (blue) or willow (green) legs as they grow, although this is not always apparent at first in young birds.

Easter Egger Bantams begin laying at seven months, a little later than other breeds, but once they begin, they are good layers of eggs that vary in color, as explained above. (Each hen will lay her personal color, however!) They will occasionally brood, but are not particularly prone to it.

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Benefits of Purchasing Started Pullets 

  • Started pullets are an excellent option for people who don't have the time, equipment, or desire to care for chicks.
  • These juvenile chicks are sexed twice, once at hatch and again at six weeks old, which reduces your chance of ending up with roosters.
  • The minimum order is just 2 chicks!

Additional Pullet Information

  • These pullets will be vaccinated for Marek's disease and MG (Mycoplasma gallisepticum)
  • Our six-week started pullets are floor-raised and socialized with humans, and their beaks are intact--we never trim.
  • Please keep your 6-week-olds quarantined from your existing flock for four or more weeks, and take care when introducing them.

Pullet Shipping Information

  • All Started Juveniles are shipped USPS Express Mail.
  • Due to import regulations, we cannot ship to Texas, Hawaii, and Minnesota.
  • Pullets will ship on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday of the designated shipping week. You will receive an email with tracking information once they leave the farm.


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