My Pet Chicken Blog
How-to guides, tips, tricks, and education to help you raise a healthy & happy flock!

4 Ways to Prepare for Incubator Hatching
I know what it feels like to anxiously stalk tracking info so you'll know the very minute your hatching eggs...

6 Justifications for Feeding Your Hatching Addi...
I know you're sitting there dreaming about hatching, but if you're like me, you're glancing over your shoulder at your...

Power Out? 3 Ways to Save the Hatching Eggs
Incubating can be such an adventure. As exciting as it is, though, there are also many things that can go...

Expert Tip: How to calibrate your hygrometer
Hatching eggs can be such a fun adventure! Â It can be fraught with ups and downs, successes and failures... chicks...

6 Most Important Rules for Home Hatching
Home hatching projects can be a great project to enjoy with your family. There are many things you will want to...

5 Reasons to Reduce Your Egg Candling
Egg candling can be a most addictive experience. Â Years ago, when I first started home incubation, egg candling would begin...

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