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Ducklings: Mystery Duckling from Our Muscovy Assortment

Regular price $14.99
Regular price Sale price $14.99
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Muscovy are excellent ducks for backyard flock. Our Muscovy straight run, unsexed duckling assortment contains a mix of Black and White Muscovies.

We only offer straight run, unsexed Muscovy ducklings but it will be very easy to tell the males apart from the females as they grow. Male Muscovy are almost twice the size of females as adults. By three weeks the two sexes are beginning to differentiate by size.

Your Mystery Muscovy straight-run ducklings will be chosen from the following: 

You will receive one straight run Muscovy baby duckling from this assortment for each quantity you add to your cart.

In case you were worried about how different duck varieties will get along: all of our ducks will fully integrate with all the other breeds that we offer. If you want to hatch purebred ducklings, though, you'll need to make sure you separate your ducks by breed during the mating season. Or if you like to live on the wild side, let your ducks interbreed and see what different shapes and colors you get!

Please note:

  • If you are ordering more than one duckling from this assortment, we will try our best to provide you with a variety of black and white ducklings, but the number of different colors will depend on availability on hatch day. We cannot guarantee how many of each color you will receive but just know it will be a variety of both.
  • Any ducklings included in this assortment will not have leg bands for identification.

Shipping Info:

  • You will receive one baby duckling from this assortment for each quantity you add to your basket.
  • Muscovy ducklings require extra care in shipping. We will only be shipping the most recently hatched ducklings and will provide them with double the GroGel we normally include.
  • Although your waterfowl order will need to be picked up from your local post office, please provide us with your physical address when placing your order. We cannot accept P.O. Box numbers for orders.
  • Waterfowl are hatched and shipped on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays of the shipment week you choose at checkout. 
  • The minimum order of day-old ducklings shipped to Rhode Island is 12 due to Rhode Island state law.

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