Friendliest Chicken Breeds - Top 10 Birds to add to your flock in 2025
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Do you want a sweet, friendly pet chicken who can go with you to the feed store? Accompany you to the office? Who will love to see you every day and fall asleep in your lap? We put this list together of the friendliest chicken breeds to add to your flock in 2025. For those of you whose first priority is a sweet personality, they will be a great addition to your flock and family!

1. Silkie Bantam
Of all the friendliest chicken breeds, the Silkie Bantam is the most popular and most loved! Can't you tell why? They're the lapdog of the chicken world, complete with hair-like plumage and an incredibly sweet temperament. In addition, Silkie hens make wonderful mothers and are even known to adopt baby ducks if given the chance!
And, according to a poll we conducted, Silkies are a favorite choice as a pet for children! When stacked up against super popular breeds like Orpingtons, Cochins, Brahmas, and Easter Eggers, they were a top choice.

2. Orpingtons
Orpingtons are big, friendly dual-purpose birds originally developed in the UK. For many small farms and homesteaders, Orpingtons are the only way to go! They're cold-hardy due to their fluffy plumage. Wonderful mothers, they do go broody. There is not much more charming than seeing a mother Orpington and her fluffy new baby chicks peeking from beneath her wings in a field on a sunny day. Plus, they're gentle and friendly on top of being good layers.

3. Cochin
Cochins are known the world over for being big friendly balls of fluff and feathers. They don't lay very well but are popular because of their sweet personality and fantastic mothering qualities. Cochins became famous in the 1800s when this Chinese breed was given as a gift to Queen Victoria of England, who absolutely adored them.

4. d'Uccle
Mille Fleur and Porcelain d’Uccles are simply adorable! The d'Uccle's sweet disposition makes them a must for anyone who likes pet bantams; their calm beauty means they are also an indispensable breed for anyone who likes to show. These bantams are known for their mysterious, quirky expressions, and are quite friendly: a true favorite of adults and children alike. They are fair layers of tiny, creamy colored eggs.

5. Speckled Sussex
The Speckled Sussex has everything: they are great layers of tinted or light brown eggs--and they lay right through the coldest weather. They are dual-purpose birds, though fat-bodied and not prone to flying when mature, so they are easily fenced.
They forage well and are economical eaters that are friendly and easily handled. Their curious nature means they will often follow you around the yard if they think they can beg a treat from you. Many tend to get more speckles after each successive molt, so they just get prettier with age. Seriously, what more could you ask for in a chicken?

6. Brahma
Brahmas are so gentle, and make great pets. They are quiet, cold tolerant, and absolutely huggable! While not a power layer, you can expect three or so medium-size brown eggs from this bird per week. Brahmas are gentle giants with feathered legs and feet---and profuse, fluffy feathering.

7. Easter Egger
Easter Eggers are our all-time best-selling breed! They are definetly one of the friendliest chicken breeds, who are great layers of large eggs in shades of blue and green. Their plumage can vary from stark white to dark brown and black, from buff tones to blue to splash–and anything in between. Their smaller body size gives them an advantage in the heat, and their small pea comb means they do well in cold, too, because they are not as susceptible to frostbite. We like to think that the pea comb is linked not only to the blue egg laying gene, but also to the "sweetness" gene, as well, because of their tendency toward friendly, social behavior.

8. Blue Splash Marans
Blue Splash Marans make wonderful pets - they are hardy, calm and quiet, and bear confinement well. We also find them to be good-natured and sweet and beautiful! These rare birds lay a medium-brown egg with extra-dark speckles. Most Marans have lightly feathered legs, too, making them very pretty! They are said to be good foragers without being TOO destructive to your garden.

9. Blue Favaucana
We adore this designer breed for its many wonderful qualities: Extreme docility; sage-green, medium to large eggs; beautiful little muffs, beards, and lightly feathered feet, (some with five toes!). They have pea combs and profuse feathering for cold-hardiness. Their slender body size helps with heat-tolerance. Then, of course, their overall appearance, something like a blue hawk, simply turns heads.

10. Silked White Easter Egger
Hello, gorgeous! This cross is exclusive to MPC. It is the result of years of selective breeding across multiple generations. As the name suggests, we've bred a Silked Easter Egger! Get all the benefits of an Easter Egger in a special Silkie package. This breed will also tend to be broody, if you're looking for a great mama!

What is the friendliest chicken breed in your flock? Share with us in the comments below.
1 comment
I am looking to start my flock in April this year. Do you sell chickens that time of year?
My Pet Chicken:
How exciting that you’re planning to start your flock in April! 🐣 Yes, we do sell chickens that time of year. In fact, spring is one of the best times to start your flock! Be sure to place your order early to get the breeds and ship dates you prefer, as availability can go quickly.
If you have any questions or need help picking the perfect breeds, let us know—we’d love to help you get started!