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All about Avian Infectious Bronchitis disease

Avian Infectious Bronchitis is a respiratory illness that results in death in about 5% of the birds that contract it, and may cause a permanent reduction in laying or reduce the quality of eggs in hens that survive it. As with all avian diseases, practicing good biosecurity will go a long way toward protecting your birds from this virus. Read on to find out more. Avian Infectious Bronchitis Also called IB, IBV, Infectious Bronchitis, Cold Prevalence Common Signs General signs Coughing, sneezing, lack of appetite, lethargy, huddling near heat source and fluffed up down. Mucousy eyes or nares (nostrils). Thirst...

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All about Salpingitis disease

If your hen lays a lash egg (something you won't soon forget--they're pretty gross!), you can be pretty sure that she has Salpingitis, meaning her oviduct is infected. This is really bad news for your hen and may be fatal, and she could continue to be a carrier even if she recovers! Read more to find out more about this disease: Salpingitis Also called Inflammation of the oviduct, infection of the oviduct Prevalence Common Signs General signs: No or mild signs in adult birds, including lethargy, loss of appetite, drop in laying, yellow poo, wheezing, coughing, sneezing, discharge from nares...

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All about Infectious Synovitis disease

Harmful bacteria are the cause of many chicken (and human) diseases. In the case of Infectious Synovitis, the most recognizable sign of the disease is lameness, swollen legs, or legs or feet that are hot to the touch. Infectious Synovitis is a serious disease that is rare--thankfully!--because of today's standards of monitoring of commercial flocks and hatcheries. You can read on to find out more: Infectious Synovitis Also called Mycoplasmosis (one form), MS, big hock disease, enlarged hocks Prevalence- Once common in commercial flocks of "broilers" (chickens raised for meat), now quite rare due to NPIP monitoring. Low mortality, however...

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All about Fowl Pox (Dry) disease

Chickens with advanced stages of dry fowl pox look completely miserable (scroll down and you'll see some potentially upsetting pictures!), but thankfully, this viral disease is rarely fatal. It can spread quickly from bird-to-bird in your flock, however, so you'll need to practice quarantine if you see signs of fowl pox in your flock. Read on to find out more. Fowl Pox (Dry) Also called Fowl pox, sore head, cutaneous pox, dry pox Prevalence Common Signs General signs - Scabby, discolored, swollen bumps on face, eyes. Cardinal or diagnostic signs - Pox spread from bird to bird, unlike simple injuries....

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All about Fowl Pox (Wet) disease

Imagine having chicken pox in your mouth and throat! Though the virus that causes wet fowl pox is different from the one that causes chicken pox in humans, the symptoms appear similar--just inside the bird's mouth and throat rather than on the skin. The poor birds that get this disease must feel miserable! Thankfully, you can take practical steps to help protect your flock from getting this virus. Read on to find out more. Fowl Pox (Wet) Also called Fowl Diphtheria, diphtheritic pox, ILT Prevalence Common, but less so than Dry Pox Signs General signs - Scabby bumps on face,...

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All about Infectious Laryngotracheitis disease

"Laryngotracheitis" simply means inflammation of the larynx and trachea--in this case caused by a highly-contagious virus. The virus cannot be spread to humans, but can be spread from bird-to-bird very quickly. As with all diseases, you may need a vet's care to get a reliable diagnosis, but practicing good biosecurity, keeping your flock relatively stress-free, and sanitizing your coop and run area may help keep your flock from getting this virus and/or spreading it around. Read on to find out more... Infectious Larygotracheitis Also called Avian Diphtheria, Laryngo, ILT Prevalence Common Signs General signs - General signs of respiratory illness...

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All about Blackhead disease

All about Blackhead disease|Blackhead disease isn't likely to actually turn your chickens' heads black (thankfully!). In fact, it is much more likely to affect turkeys (wild or domestic) than your chickens. Interestingly enough, in history there were apparently some cases of turkeys whose heads actually did turn black because of this disease. Caused by a protozoan, it's important to keep your flock on a regular worming schedule to protect them from this disease. Read on to find out more: Blackhead Also called Enterohepatitis, histomoniasis Prevalence Common in turkeys, rare in chickens Signs General signs - Sometimes no symptoms. Other times,...

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All about Infectious Bursal Disease

It's always a good idea for chicks to have a lot of protein in their diet, right? Not necessarily! Infectious Bursal Disease is more prevalent in flocks that are fed high-protein (24%) feed. It can cause illness and death, especially in chicks that are are 3 - 6 weeks of age, so keep a close eye on your babies when they're that age! Keep reading to find out more: Infectious Bursal Disease Also called IBD, Gumboro Prevalence Common in large flocks Signs General signs - Fluffed feathers, general lethargy, loss of appetite, illness/deaths usually at 3 - 6 weeks of...

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"The Clubhouse" Coop

Easy to assemble and built to last, the Clubhouse Coop is the perfect starter coop for a small flock.